I've turned into the worlds worst blogger simply by not blogging. Many months ago I decided to put my food talk out there for the world (my small world) to see. I torture people with food and recipe talk all day so I thought it was time to add another outlet for ways to bore them with adventures in my kitchen. There were a few posts, a few pics and even fewer comments but it was going well.
Then a few months ago I changed a few things. My ever growing behind was brought to my attention and I decided to diet and drop a few extra pounds. Dieting is tough for anyone, but just hell for a cheese loving foodie such as myself. I started working out like a nut, eating super healthy and dropped a few pounds, 25 so far.
I still love to cook but I've removed sugar, carbs, processed foods, dairy and pretty much all the fun stuff. Even harder to believe, I'm enjoying it! Fresh veggies, grilled fish, lots of fruit and gallons of water.
Now I'm back and Ill be boring people with my healthy ideas, calorie cutting techniques and cheese free foods.
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