Monday, August 24, 2009

Raw Zucchini Ribbon Salad

Is it cooking if you don't actually cook?

Either way this one is delish and so perfect for using the abundance of zucchini during the summer. Fresh from your garden or local farm market. This goes really well with grilled fish, chicken or pasta. You can skip the yellow squash and use all green if needed. Works great cold or room temp. Serves 4
  • 2 zucchini
  • 2 yellow summer squash
  • 1 tsp. chopped fresh oregano
  • 3 Tbs. extra-virgin olive oil
  • 2 Tbs. fresh lemon juice
  • 1 tsp. finely grated lemon zest
  • Kosher salt and freshly ground black
  • Parmesan cheese curls...optional
Trim the ends of the zucchini and squash, cut in half lengthwise. Using a vegetable peeler, shave the zucchini/squash lengthwise into long, wide strips about 1/16 inch thick. When you get to the center of the zucchini, where the seeds are, turn it over and slice from the other side until you get to the center again.

Put the ribbons in a large bowl. Drizzle with oil, lemon juice, season to taste with salt, pepper, zest and oregano. Toss and coat all veggies with vinaigrette. Let soak for about 10 mins and serve.

Add parm curls at plating, use the same vegetable peeler technique
Other variations, toasted pine nuts, thinly sliced dicon or radish, fresh parsley instead of the oregano

My Fat Camp Essay

A big part of my fight against the fat was a fitness program at the gym, I call it fat camp but they called it The Revolution, a bit corny but its not my title. Its a biggest looser kind of thing that measures body fat, inches lost, weight lost, complete with before and after pictures to really humilate the contestents.
The essay of your "journey" was also part of the decision process, here's mine:

Apparently I’m fat, while this isn’t a surprise to me or anyone that has to look at me every day, typing it makes it official. The other official recognition of my need to drop a few pounds is my participation in this program. Thanks to my sister, I joined the Edge Revolution, met a few goals, changed a few things and am well on my way to dropping those extra pounds.

Somehow, it’s taken me a while to notice my growing behind and increasing width. I assumed I’d be petite forever and considered “small” as I’m a bit horizontally challenged. Unfortunately, at four feet and eleven inches there are few places for the fat to go. In my case, it tends to land on my belly and my-too-big-for-comfort chest. My daily movement has been limited to walking from my desk to the ladies room, a contributing factor to my current state and size. A workout here and there before work in the past few months helped with a serious change in my stress and energy level. However, it wasn’t enough to reset the years of laziness and bad habits I’ve created. In the past eight weeks I’ve stopped making excuses and now plan my life around my work out schedule. No more letting happy hours, shopping or working late deter me from the treadmill. The exercise hurdle I’m most proud of is my recent love and possible obsession with Spinning. Contrary to my original opinion, it was not created by the devil but rather a great way to sweat buckets without having to really think about what you’re doing next.

Food was definitely my other issue, as a self proclaimed foodie I tend to over eat and enjoy every minute of it. I’ve never been into fast food or junk food but I definitely over indulged in some sweets, carbs and good food. After the nutrition seminar and a few articles about food I put down the bread, pasta, cheese (oh how I miss the cheese) and fake food. Instead, I’ve been enjoying fresh produce, grilled veggies and lots of chicken breast. My dinner menus were once filled with mac and cheese on a lazy Sunday and now I’m using chicken broth instead of oil. While I’m sure I’ll return to a balanced diet one day, my recent focus on healthier eating has changed my perception of what is good vs. what I just don’t need.

At the end of the eight weeks I lost a few pounds (17 to be exact) and several inches. I feel amazing every day, with more energy than a pot of coffee. The gym is no longer a hell on earth that gives me workout anxiety but now I actually look forward to trying a new crazy class and pushing myself a bit more than yesterday. I have some more work to do in order to get into my goal jeans but now I know ill actually get in them and stay in them this time.

I didnt win the "competition" but I beat my goal, I won

I'm Back

I've turned into the worlds worst blogger simply by not blogging. Many months ago I decided to put my food talk out there for the world (my small world) to see. I torture people with food and recipe talk all day so I thought it was time to add another outlet for ways to bore them with adventures in my kitchen. There were a few posts, a few pics and even fewer comments but it was going well.

Then a few months ago I changed a few things. My ever growing behind was brought to my attention and I decided to diet and drop a few extra pounds. Dieting is tough for anyone, but just hell for a cheese loving foodie such as myself. I started working out like a nut, eating super healthy and dropped a few pounds, 25 so far.

I still love to cook but I've removed sugar, carbs, processed foods, dairy and pretty much all the fun stuff. Even harder to believe, I'm enjoying it! Fresh veggies, grilled fish, lots of fruit and gallons of water.

Now I'm back and Ill be boring people with my healthy ideas, calorie cutting techniques and cheese free foods.
